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The Journey to Ownership

The journey to ownership....

What an interesting journey indeed. I have been in the music business for 25 years. Each year has brought a different level of commitment and it's own set of challenges. Some years I was 100% in and others I was 95% out but the music in my heart never stopped. From the songs written in my dreams to the ones performed on stages, the journey has been interesting indeed.

Today with 25 years in the industry a new journey has begun. While I had a music school some years back, it was a protected venture. The previous school was housed in my mother in loves church existing because of her initial investment in the church. I had a room adjacent to the church and she allowed me to use it however, it was because of her trust in me and belief in my dream that the school existed. She saved every penny to start that church and gave every penny to keep it alive. We had a few successful years and then it was time to go back to 95% out. I closed the doors of the school as the church closed its doors and focused on a marriage that needed me more than music. At this juncture I would like to make this statement: "What God has for you is for you".

For some of you this statement is so "churchy" and comes with understanding that exists if you speak church jargon so, let me restate this truth. There are a certain set and subset of available opportunities for each of us. The sky truly is the limit. Sometimes when we walk away from something life has a funny way of bringing it back at the right time. On the other hand, life takes away the things that are not good for us too as a protective measure. The key here is to know when which one is happening.

Here's a question for you to ponder as you face new loss or gain: Is life bringing this too me as my responsibility to care for or is life taking it away in order to protect me?
(Be sure to post your answers below)

Nevertheless my journey has begun again and what God has had for me I was able to see by a merged combination of roads leading to one decision. On July 7th, 2017 the doors to CRL Studios will open. A place where peace abounds and music exists. A place where dreams can be watered and people can be free to express themselves through the arts. This time life has given me a no "out" option. There is no protective umbrella like my sweet mother in loves church, no, this time life has challenged me and I have chosen.

"You must let go of the rope behind you and grab the one in front. The rope behind you will no longer be available so be brave and let go"-Life

Well that "let go" has come with a lot of responsibility such as CPA acquisition, a Lease for a new space, a BIG Piano purchase, up fitting of the new space, new floors, new walls, contracts with session leaders and more. My own money is on the line here, there truly is no going back. I have let go of the rope behind me.

So, I challenge you. What do you have to let go of in order to grab a hold of? What has life placed in your path and trusted you to build? What is it that God has for you that you must be brave enough to believe in and see?

I pray that as our lives cross through music, friendship, food and family that we continue to cheer each other on to be great and be brave and be all that we can be. I have chosen, have you?

Cinnamon Ruth Leggett
CRL Sudios, Raleigh
